Жду, мне не срочно, спасибо.Вечером сделаю. Пока если срочно надо просто заходите и создавайте запароленный канал, временный могут делать все
Жду, мне не срочно, спасибо.Вечером сделаю. Пока если срочно надо просто заходите и создавайте запароленный канал, временный могут делать все
The main focus in this version are the new ServerQuery features and commands where admins are able to add, list or remove new Query logins. This way hosts could allow to use new logins for custom query groups to use a weblists without using the serveradmin login as an example.
Some smaller bugs got fixed and the server now generates better crashdumps on Windows or Linux.
On Windows and Linux the server now generates crash dumps in crashdumps folder.
On Linux the default path is /home/username/crashdumps and on Windows the crashdumps folder will be generated in the server folder.
The default path can be changed with new parameter crashdumps_path=
When reporting a crash please give us following details.
- Server version
- Operation system
- The crash dump (and possibly a server log) attached in your post in a zip file or uploaded somewhere else.
- A way to reproduce the crash would be helpful
SSH for ServerQuery is now enabled by default.
RAW (the original system) stays enabled by default. In a future release RAW will be turned off (not removed).
You can now add or remove global Query logins next to the existing serveradmin login and you can create Query logins for existing clients via ServerQuery. The command queryloginadd can also be used to change the password or username.
And you can delete mentioned custom Query logins as long it is not the serveradmin login.
The minimal runscript is not required anymore to start the server. The binary can be started directly instead.
It's important that you select the folder before you run the binary or else the server will crash on start.
=== Server Release 3.6.1 30 january 2019
Fixed: Adding a client channel permission will set the correct values again.
Fixed: Fixed server crash related to adding a lot of server queries.
Скинул.Привет! Можно два ключа привилегий для нашего канала ANARCHY. Спасибо
это такая штука, которая была до дискордаЭто еще что?