ЗАБАНЕН Заявка на бан игрока - 3rdWorldPlayer

Ken Как так?!

Старший лейтенант
14 Мар 2023

Никнейм нарушителя | Violator nickname 3rdWorldPlayer

Ссылка на игровой профиль | Battlelog profile link Progression - 3rdWorldPlayer - Battlelog / Battlefield 4

Сервер | Server BF4 METRO

Какое правило было нарушено | What rule has been violated Insult

Ссылка на скриншот | Link on screenshot Capture hosted at ImgBB

Ссылка на видео | Link on video

Ваш комментарий | Comment here He did not know he was banned because he rejoins after the ban was expired ЗАБАНЕН - Заявка на бан игрока - 3rdWorldPlayer

Ken Как так?!

Старший лейтенант
14 Мар 2023
Here we go again, after he was killed and shot multiple times at the RU base, triggered, he started insulting, he logged off and rejoined Team US, joined the squad to blind team with smoke grenade. Kicking him off the squad didn't stop him, and he continued to do so until the end of the round as shown in video below.


His battle report: Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 4

He doesn't know he was banned earlier because he joined after the ban was expired:
