ЗАБАНЕН Заявка на бан игрока - 3rdWorldPlayer

Ken Как так?!

Старший лейтенант
14 Мар 2023

Никнейм нарушителя | Violator nickname 3rdWorldPlayer

Ссылка на игровой профиль | Battlelog profile link Progression - 3rdWorldPlayer - Battlelog / Battlefield 4

Сервер | Server BF4 METRO

Какое правило было нарушено | What rule has been violated Insult player

Ссылка на скриншот | Link on screenshot 3rd-World-Player-Insult-player hosted at ImgBB

Ссылка на видео | Link on video Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 4

Ваш комментарий | Comment here

Ken Как так?!

Старший лейтенант
14 Мар 2023
This player MamBaLesKouillll , had a habit of harassing the team before changing his nickname to 3rdWorldPlayer . If he wants to shoot from a position occupied by a teammate, he will use the MAV to block and push the teammate to be killed by the enemy or push to get "Killed in Action." He's done this on nearly every server he's played on, and he's done the same thing on XL Metro, as you can see in the video below:
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