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Thread: Chat, GUID, Stats and Mapstats Logger

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21 Фев 2018
Chat, GUID, Stats and Mapstats Logger []
This plugin is used to log player chat, player GUID's, player Stats, Weaponstats and Mapstats.
This includes: Chat, PBGUID, EAGUID, IP, Stats, Weaponstats, Dogtags, Killstreaks, Country, ClanTag to be continued.. ;-)
Please post errors if get some.
You can adjust the debug level to a lower value to get less Console Spam. High -> Low (Trace, Info, Warning, Error).
Error only will show critical errors.
Feel free to post feedback and suggestions.

The plugin Sandbox needs to be disabled!!! if you are not using PRoCon or later
Access to a MySQL database that accepts remote connections is required so you need to create a user and database if not exists.
It requires the use of a MySQL database with INNODB engine that allows remote connections.(MYSQL Version 5.1 or greater is required!!!)
No ODBC Driver is needed!!!.

Pleases also read the changelog

Extract the content of Zipfile into plugin directory.
Set DB Server Settings and the Plugin Settings
Add the machine running the plugin to the remote mysql access host list.
Will throw a permissions error if not done
Enter the correct details for your database connection in the plugin settings tab. You don't need to create tables, the plugin will do that.
The Standard MySQL Port is 3306.

Supported Games:
  • Battlefield 4
  • Battlefield 3
  • Battlefield Bad Comany 2 + Vietnam
  • MOH
  • MOHW

Whats new:
  • New Databasedesign only one Set of tables needed for multiply gameserver even with different games. Stats are not mixed up!!
  • The new Databasedesign allows easy deletion of playerentries.
  • Some Code improvements.
  • one table for all Weaponstats
  • You can create Servergroups

  • Guidlogging
  • Statslogging
  • Chatlogging
  • Weaponstatslogging
  • Autotable creation
  • Ingame commands
  • Welcomestats
  • Ingame commands for Dogtags
  • merged stats from all Server

May Working:
  • Ingame Weaponstats

Not Working:
  • ClanTag coz the server don't deliver it to PRoCon thx EA/DICE!!!.
  • Stats for tanks and other vehicles. thx EA/DICE!!!.

Ticketcount for ServerLiveView
Join/Leave History <-- next on list
Bugfixes(always :))
Code improvements​


  • ChatGUIDStatsAndMapstatsLogger[].zip
    70,4 KB · Просмотры: 342
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