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Makeroom Plugin v. Released (December 21, 2013)

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21 Фев 2018
Makeroom Plugin v. Released (December 21, 2013)
Just released - Makeroom Plugin for BF4 which lets an admin kick a low score player (or list three choices) in order to make room for a clan mate... much easier than manually looking through the low scores and finding someones' name.

To install/update:

1. Stop your procon layer
2. IF EXISTING: Remove old source file CMakeroom.cs and CMakeroom.DLL in your plugins/BF4 directory
3. Copy new CMakeroom.cs source file (from ZIP) into your procon layer's plugins/BF4 directory
4. Start your procon layer
5. Enable plugin


This plugin allows an admin the choose from three of the lowest score players to kick (ex: in order to make room for a clan mate).

Just type !makeroom then #1, #2, or #3 to kick them.

Type ?makeroom to kick the lowest score player without prompt.


Safe Score

No players will be kicked if they have reached this score - even if they are the lowest. Example: if set to 10 then only the newjoins will be likely kicked. If set to 50000 then all lowscores are subject to kick. (Default: 1000)

Kick Delay

Seconds between command being issued and player being kicked (Gives the player time to read the bye-bye message). Setting this to zero means immediate kick. (Default: 10)

Global Message When Kicking

Message to the server when command executed.

Message To The Kicked

Message to those being kicked.

Future Features (Check Back Soon)

  • Once DICE adds the ability to read ClanTags via Procon I'll add the ability to ignore specified clan tags but until then the admin will simply need to pick from 3 low scorers.
  • Kick from winning team.

Change Log

0.7 - 12/21/13
  • Fixed: Player not listing bugs.
  • Fixed: Various improvements and compatibility changes.
  • Fixed: Privilege Denied message is now sent to player who executed.
  • Changed: User friendly ZIP file.
  • Fixed: Made several improvements/fixes.
  • Fixed: Several bugs.
  • Added: ?makeroom command
  • Added: one admin at a time - procedure.
  • Fixed: Small not enough players bug.
  • Added: Kick Delay
  • Changed: Message to kicked method.
  • Initial Full Release
  • Developmental release.

Source @ GitHub​


  • Makeroom-BF4-0_7_0_1.zip
    5 KB · Просмотры: 317
  • Like
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