ОТКЛОНЕНО BF4 METRO - заявка на разбан RUSHER_0401


Младший сержант
1 Ноя 2021
Имя пользователя: RUSHER_0401

На каком сервере Вы забанены? | Which server you banned?

Ваш ник в игре | Your nickname

Ссылка на Ваш профиль | Link to your profile (Battlelog или Steam) http://battlelog.battlefield.com

Причина бана | Ban reason
I have not clue for what I have been banned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U1qkGKLy1I&ab_channel=toshkamakaroshka

Когда Вы были забанены? | When you were banned?
31 Окт 2021

От себя | Add a pair of words
You can clearly see I dont cheat. I killed this admin multiple times and I believe he decided to ban me.

Ваши доказательства честной игры | Your proof of fair play
I dont record my gameplay but can do so if neccessary for unban.


10 Фев 2017
Perhaps, I'm more than sure that you're cheating.

So, if you think that I'm wrong you should explain me several issues on this video firstly:

1) 0:25 - looks like somebody starting be a nervous.

2) 1:51 - what it was? Your hand and finger once again was a little bit nervous?

3) 2:46 - not bad, very nice pre fire.

So, I've saw on this short movie 3 moments from player who have KD 1.72, accuracy 8,52%. But who played with KD 10 and when spectator entered in game you've starting to loose such perfect stats and randomly shooted in smoke just to reduce any suspicious as I guess. But on these 3 moments something was not with your plan.

Waiting for your explanation.


Младший сержант
1 Ноя 2021
Perhaps, I'm more than sure that you're cheating.

So, if you think that I'm wrong you should explain me several issues on this video firstly:

1) 0:25 - looks like somebody starting be a nervous.

2) 1:51 - what it was? Your hand and finger once again was a little bit nervous?

3) 2:46 - not bad, very nice pre fire.

So, I've saw on this short movie 3 moments from player who have KD 1.72, accuracy 8,52%. But who played with KD 10 and when spectator entered in game you've starting to loose such perfect stats and randomly shooted in smoke just to reduce any suspicious as I guess. But on these 3 moments something was not with your plan.

Waiting for your explanation.

0:25 - what do you mean I dont understand. Nervous ? You have 2 positions from which enemies can push. What is wrong I dont get it. So I should be looking at the ground ?

1:51 - this looks kind weird not really much I can say to be honest. I suppose I was thinking I was shooting main doors while watching on mini-map realising the left flank is being pushed aborting shooting and moving there.

2:46 - totally normal reaction while seeing his tag. Not prefiring the corner or something.

Also about this made up "nervous" thing, from 2:00 those 3 kills, have I also been nervous right ?

I mean this is basically what separates me from players like you. Half of the time I am looking at the minimap even when I am spraying through smoke to check if somebody is not pushing. I have no clue how the cheating in battlefield works nor your point about specating. The reason for such a nice K/D was that I was playing with my brother which was reviving me half of the time. Without him I would probably had more than 15 deaths. I am not sure but have you ever seen somebody hacking in battlefield ? It looks extremly different. I guess you banned me coz you have been mad I have been killing you and trying to make an excuses so you are not bothered by me on a server. I have no problem sharing you my screen and you can watch me play. I can even provide a commentary for you why I am doing this why I am wating here why I am shooting there and other stuff so maybe you will learn how to play a little and wont be banning innocent players like me. If you ask me, you are not eligible to have this power on your server if you do wild stunts like this. Even you still believing that I am cheating gives me facepalm.

Lastly, maybe you have somebody actually knowledgable about the game that could review this other than you ? Because if you find this as cheating your are not a guy that should be handing bans.



10 Фев 2017
0:25 - what do you mean I dont understand. Nervous ? You have 2 positions from which enemies can push. What is wrong I dont get it. So I should be looking at the ground ?

What a beautiful answer.

The most funny that your aim induced on enemy who even doesn't entered on street and he even didn't marked on mini map...

Ok, ok...

Buuut, when enemy who was really marked wasn't in your aim. As I said - funny, but we're not talking about fun.

And yeap, what you doing looks like "ah shit, somebody wathcing my playing"..

Let's continue.

1:51 - this looks kind weird not really much I can say to be honest. I suppose I was thinking I was shooting main doors while watching on mini-map realising the left flank is being pushed aborting shooting and moving there.

Ahahah, what a lol: "I suppose, I was shooting, The main door"...

Without answer.


2:46 - totally normal reaction while seeing his tag. Not prefiring the corner or something.

For sure, normal when u've played long time on this map or "normal" when u use cheats.

Wait, you've played only 66 hours in bf4 and most of them was not on metro. What a damm shit this stats... xDDD

Once again your answer looks line poooof.

Also about this made up "nervous" thing, from 2:00 those 3 kills, have I also been nervous right ?

For sure) and right now I will destroy you "friend".

I mean this is basically what separates me from players like you.

Aahahhahah, yes. This is real try. I not use cheats like you.

Half of the time I am looking at the minimap even when I am spraying through smoke to check if somebody is not pushing.

For sure, for sure. That's why u don't shoot on enemies through smoke who was marked. Because you looking on map..what a lol.

I have no clue how the cheating in battlefield works nor your point about specating. The reason for such a nice K/D was that I was playing with my brother which was reviving me half of the time. Without him I would probably had more than 15 deaths.

Ah, really, could you please write a nickname of your brouther? Or better send me link for his account. For sure I'll check, trust me.

I am not sure but have you ever seen somebody hacking in battlefield ? It looks extremly different.

Mmm, everyday since 2014 I saw that some poor boy tried to kill everybody using cheats.

I guess you banned me coz you have been mad I have been killing you and trying to make an excuses so you are not bothered by me on a server.

What a great theory. I was in your squad, genious.

I have no problem sharing you my screen and you can watch me play. I can even provide a commentary for you why I am doing this why I am wating here why I am shooting there and other stuff

Wow, what a proposal. Thanks but I don't want to watch ur screen. I've saw everything what I needed to ban you)

so maybe you will learn how to play a little and wont be banning innocent players like me.

Ok, boss, for sure it's "will" be very necessary for me how to learn your playing, but I can't use cheats, sorry.

If you ask me, you are not eligible to have this power on your server if you do wild stunts like this. Even you still believing that I am cheating gives me facepalm.

Facepalm, ok, do it right now, pro.

Lastly, maybe you have somebody actually knowledgable about the game that could review this other than you ? Because if you find this as cheating your are not a guy that should be handing bans.

Maybe, who knows, perhaps, but bb.


Младший сержант
1 Ноя 2021
First of all, it might seems a little bit unorthodox, but I appriciate communication which we had/having. I guess both of us are working in real life and you might/need/want to answer questions on forum. I used to be moderator in my youth so I know it has ups/downs.

But rest of my post is going to be very negative so brace yourself :)

At this point. you are just boosting my EGO. I want to hear you community in a thread I created. If they feel the same, there is nothing much I can do to influence your opinion. I would never invested my time on russian forum for unban if I was not legit player. You believe what you want. At this point, for me BF2042 is away less than 9 days. I dont event care about unban so maybe you can stop reading right now and ban me here on forum, but I encourage you to read the rest since there is more battlelog accounts of me/my brother you can ban. Only reason I ever joined your server, it was russian, soo obviously you guys are very bad in first-person shooters by very long experience in games example -( CSGO - I have more than 3000 hours met maybe 3 guys in all the time which could play and think rest of you are bots so this is very pleasing for my soul that you are still thinking I am hacking. Kinda a compliment. I will also give you a hint, look at a movement of a player, you will recognize skilled players. But your skill is seems very low to ever understand that, not my imaginantion but my experience which is being proofed by this thread right now . I just wanted to see how much zero / invalid / false / explanation you can provide on my gameplay. Nevertheless, I am looking forward in rekting all you russians in BF2042. That will be fun I will enjoy. In a close beta ( you know the gold edition you have to pay for to get early beta/full-game? Wait you are poor so you did not experienced it. ) Maybe you will meet me in a game, at least I hope so.

Also the battlelogs:
So my brother in first video called BRATM_ you can acutally see his name is squad - Progression - _Bratm11 - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Go ahead ban him since there is not proof you require anyway for ban just your no skill hypotesis.

Also I found my other account for BF4 which is not premium here:
Progression - Rusher1317 - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
^^^^ it is low hours and k/d more than 2:0 so go ahead and ban it as well since you know better we saw.

Also I found BF3 account so make sure you ban this one as well:
Progression - RUSHER_0401 - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
^^^^ this has only 80 something hours go ahead and ban it as well you are very experienced at it.

So you can be soo glad about yourself right now, you made a justice. Congratulation.

Anyway I are proof your community have not improved much skill-wise. Everything is suspicious.

I really wish the best for you guys on this XL-games, seems you have found exactly community you need.
You can consider this topic to be closed.

I gave you options to watch me with commentary which you denied instantly. Maybe feeling guilty right now ?