Имя пользователя: PakGamMar
На каком сервере Вы забанены? | Which server you banned?
BF4 Locker Hardcore
Ваш ник в игре | Your nickname
Ссылка на Ваш профиль | Link to your profile (Battlelog или Steam) http://battlelog.battlefield.com
Причина бана | Ban reason
I am being accused of cheating in game.
Когда Вы были забанены? | When you were banned?
10 Июл 2020
От себя | Add a pair of words
Hello, first of all, I don't know how to talk well, like to the point, so excuse me for any mistakes. Like, other normal players, I play battlefield 4 without any cheat or hack otherwise I would have been banned by battlefield anti-cheat system "FairFight". 3 days ago I was playing on this xl-server and got kicked with a reason of cheating by "-XL-Sasha_vrn".
I think it's the net code that makes me lock like cheating.
I just want to play to kill my free time not to cheat and destroy other games.
This is the only kind hardcore server where I don't get kicked by ping enforcer.
Tell me what can I do to unban my account on this server, Please?
Ваши доказательства честной игры | Your proof of fair play
На каком сервере Вы забанены? | Which server you banned?
BF4 Locker Hardcore
Ваш ник в игре | Your nickname
Ссылка на Ваш профиль | Link to your profile (Battlelog или Steam) http://battlelog.battlefield.com
Причина бана | Ban reason
I am being accused of cheating in game.
Когда Вы были забанены? | When you were banned?
10 Июл 2020
От себя | Add a pair of words
Hello, first of all, I don't know how to talk well, like to the point, so excuse me for any mistakes. Like, other normal players, I play battlefield 4 without any cheat or hack otherwise I would have been banned by battlefield anti-cheat system "FairFight". 3 days ago I was playing on this xl-server and got kicked with a reason of cheating by "-XL-Sasha_vrn".
I think it's the net code that makes me lock like cheating.
I just want to play to kill my free time not to cheat and destroy other games.
This is the only kind hardcore server where I don't get kicked by ping enforcer.
Tell me what can I do to unban my account on this server, Please?
Ваши доказательства честной игры | Your proof of fair play