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Thread: Ultimate Map Manager ( - 03/26/15)

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21 Фев 2018
Ultimate Map Manager ( - 03/26/15)
This plug-in is intended to manage your map rotation based upon the number of players on the server. Optionally, it will also change the server name to match the current rotation, allow certain rotations to be used only on certain days, and manage server presets (including user-defined presets).

With regards to adding new features, as a general rule, I prefer to recommend other plugins that meet a specific need rather than attempt duplicate them within my own plugin. The reason for this is that I believe that if a plugin is well known, well supported, and has been considered stable for a good amount of time, it's best use it as a supporting plugin, rather than try to "reinvent the wheel." It's much easier to manage bugs and provide more reliable plugins when each plugin has a specific task. As such, I am now including a list of supporting plugins that I recommend that provide features that users have requested.

Supporting Plugins
If you need map voting capabilities, the xVotemap plugin is highly recommended. I have worked with xVotemap's author in order to maintain the best possible compatibility. If a map has been voted on, and this plugin then changes to a different map list, it will still play the voted map and game mode if it exists on the new list. If the new list has a different game mode, it will still play the voted map, if it exists. Of course, if the voted map doesn't exist at all in the new map list, there's not much we can do, as using the proper map list is most important, in order to prevent killing the server. [xVotemap v1.2.1 or later required]

If you need map cycling or to return to the first map when the server is empty, the Automatic Round Restarter plugin is highly recommended. It is fully compatible with this plugin.

Known Issues
  • If any given map list contains a map that does not allow commander mode, it will not be available for ANY of the maps in that map list. This is a server restriction, not a plugin bug.

Map List Admin
(Must be enabled and requires "Change current map functions" access in PRoCon)
Privately tells the admin which map list is currently active

@maplist [index]
Privately tells the admin the status of the specified map list

@maplist all
Privately tells the admin the status of all map lists

@maplist [index] on
Enables the specified map list

@maplist [index] off
Disables the specified map list


* Ultimate Map Manager
Enable map list manager?
If enabled, the plugin will become active. This must be set to "No" while you are making changes to the map list.

Enable in-game admin commands?
If enabled, admins with proper access will be able to enable and disable map lists.

Switch to new map list immediately?
If enabled, the current round will be interrupted if the minimum or maximum players is surpassed, and the new map rotation will be started immediately.

Do not switch if more than this number of players are online
If the above option is enabled, it can be limited to act only when less than this number of players are online. The idea here is that if people are rapidly leaving your server, it may be beneficial to interrupt the current round and immediately load a map that is more popular or more suited for fewer players.

Warn (yell at) players before switching?
If immediate switching is enabled, this option enables the plugin to yell at players, warning them that the map list will be changing soon.

Number of seconds to display warning
If the immediate switch warning is enabled, this determines the number of seconds the players are warned before the switch occurs. The message will remain on the screen for the entire duration.

Warning message (use [listname] for map list name and [secs] for seconds)
If the immediate switch warning is enabled, this is the message that will be displayed.
[listname] is replaced by the name of the map list that is being switched to. [secs] is replaced by the number of seconds specified above.

Change map list only after map has completed it's total number of rounds?
If enabled, the map list will not be changed until the current map has complete it's total number of rounds, unless the server is empty. For example, if the current map is a Rush map running 2 rounds, the map list will not change until both rounds have been completed. Can not be used if 'Switch to new map immediately' is enabled.

Enable server name change for each map list?
If enabled, each map list can be assigned a different server name, so that when the new rotation is loaded, the server name will be changed to match.

Enable day/time-dependent map lists?
If enabled, a list of days of the week/month can be provided for each map list, in order to limit the use of certain lists to certain days.

Ignore 'Switch to new map list immediately' setting for time-based changes?
If enabled, the map list will never change immediately for time-based map list settings. In other words, if 'Switch to new map list immediately' and this setting are both enabled, the current round will be allowed to continue, even after the map list's end time has passed.

Use system/layer server Time Zone?
If enabled, the time zone of the system the plugin is running on (either local PRoCon or layer server) will be used to determine the current time.

Time Zone used to determine current time
When the prior option is enabled, this option allows the Time Zone that will be used to determine the current time to be chosen. Some systems/hosts do not allow PRoCon to access the registry or call methods from the Windows API. In these cases, this option will not be available and the system time will be used.

Allow map-specific game presets?
If enabled, a different server preset can be chosen for each map in each rotation. For example, this can be used to start with a Normal preset and change to Hardcore once more players are online, or to run certain maps as Infantry Only.

Send preset commands after every round?
When the prior option is enabled, this option will send the preset commands between every round, instead of only when the preset changes. This generally isn't necessary, but may be useful if your preset commands are being reset for some reason external to this plugin.

Allow additional presets to be sent after each level loads?
This option will allow a second preset to be sent after the round loads. This is useful if you would like to have one preset set before and a different one after for the purposes of having a proper server listing in Battlelog.

Add a new map list?
If "Create an empty map list" is chosen, a new map list will be added with only one map. If "Create a map list based on current map list" is chosen, a new map list will be added to the plugin that matches the current map list shown in PRoCon.

Map List [X] [Map List Name]
Server name for this map list
If enabled above, this is the server name that will be applied when this map rotation is active. It's limited by the server to 64 characters.

Map list name
Your custom name for this map list.

Minimum number of players
The minimum number of players allowed for this map list. If the number of players drops below this number, the map list will be changed.

Maximum number of players
The maximum number of players allowed for this map list. If the number of players increases above this number, the map list will be changed.

Days of week/month to use this map list
If enabled above, this is the list of days that this map list map be active. You may use days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) or days of the month (1, 2, 15, 16, etc.) in this list. Press the '...' button to the right of 'String[] Array' to edit the list.

Time to start using this map list (24-hour format)
If day/time-dependent map lists are enabled, this is the time that this map list will stop being used in 24-hour format (0:00 to 23:59). If the start time is higher than the stop time, the plugin will consider the stop time to be the following day. For example, if start is 18:00 and stop is 2:00, the map will be active from 18:00 today until 2:00 tomorrow.

Time to stop using this map list (24-hour format)
If day/time-dependent map lists are enabled, this is the time that this map list will stop being used in 24-hour format (0:00 to 23:59).

List start/random option
- "Start with first map": The map list will be loaded in it's original order and played from the beginning.
- "Start with first map unless it was just played": The map list will be loaded in it's original order and played from the beginning unless the first map is the same as the one just played, in which case it will start with the second map.
- "Start with map after the map that was just played": The map list will be loaded in it's original order and played from the map that comes just after the map that was just played.
- "Start with random map": The map list will be loaded in it's original order and played starting with a random map.
- "Randomize entire map list": The map list will be loaded in a random order and played from the beginning unless the first map is the same as the one just played, in which case it will start with the second map.

Minimum number of rounds to be played
The minimum number of rounds that must be played on this map list before the plugin will change to a different map list. If the number of rounds has not been met, the map list will not change, even if 'switch to new map list immediately' is enabled, and even if the end time for the map list has passed (if using time-based map lists). However, it will change if the current map list is disabled or manually changed, or if no one is on the server.

Map options
  • Game mode: Game mode for the this map.
  • Map Name: Name of this map.
  • Rounds: Number of rounds this map will be played.
  • Preset: Server preset that will be used for this map. This preset is sent before the level loads.
  • Preset (after level loads): Server preset that will be sent after the level loads.
  • Manage Map: Options to move the map within the list or remove it from the list.
Add a new map?
Adds the selected number of new maps to this map list.

Manage Map List
Options to change the order of the map lists or remove a map list entirely.

Normal/Hardcore/Infantry Only (view only)
These are provided simply for reference. You can't edit these values.

Custom Preset: [X]
Custom preset definitions that can be modified to fit your needs. Press the '...' button to the right of 'String[] Array' to edit the list. The first line can be used to change the name of a custom preset using the format "# Custom Preset: New Name". Other lines beginning with '#' will be ignored.

Manage Presets
Options to add and remove custom presets. If you remove a custom preset that's being used, maps using that preset will revert to the Normal preset.

Enable debug output?
If enabled, displays debug info in the console window.


Changelog (03/26/2015)
- added support for BFHL (02/03/2014)
- added a check for external map list changes
- added in-game commands to enable/disable map lists (12/11/2013)
- fixed secondary preset config display bug (12/07/2013)
- fixed map management bug caused by last update (12/07/2013)
- added an option to send a different preset after the level loads (11/26/2013)
- changed max server size back to 64 for BF4
- fixed possible issue detecting next map at end of round for BF4
- fixed 'Send preset commands after every round?' setting was appearing even when game presets were disabled (11/06/2013)
- added correct presets for BF4
- added option to send custom preset commands between every round (11/05/2013)
- added support for up to 70 players for BF4 (11/02/2013)
- fixed issues with quotes and vertical lines in presets (10/31/2013)
- added support for BF4 (05/21/2013)
- added support for MOHW (custom playlists only)
- map lists using both day and time will now switch at the specified time rather than at 0:00 when the day changes (08/24/2012)
- fixed bug with 'Change map list only after map has completed it's total number of rounds' option (07/19/2012)
- remove debug code left in v1.2.0.0 by mistake (07/19/2012)
- fixed bug caused by changes in PRoCon 1.3
- added option to yell before rotation is changed when using 'switch immediately'
- added option to start on the same map that was just played
- added round minimum for map lists
- added option to change map list only after map has completed it's total number of rounds
- added option to ignore 'switch immediately' for time-based changes (05/14/2012)
- fixed time zones with commas were missing from the list
- added option to use system time zone (03/30/2012)
- more minor compatibility changes due to PRoCon/R-20 updates (03/29/2012)
- minor compatibility changes due to upcoming PRoCon/R-20 updates (02/19/2012)
- fixed time calculations were sometimes incorrect when start time was after stop time (02/11/2012)
- fixed map list names bug when '|' is attempted to be used
- custom map names now shown in debug logs when map lists change
- fixed time calculations weren't working properly on some systems (02/07/2012)
- fixed map list names not being saved
- fixed bug related to sorting the time zone list on some systems (02/06/2012)
- fixed time zones greater than GMT were not being saved properly
- improved compatibility with xVotemap; see second paragraph of the plugin description above
- added list of recommended supporting plugins that provide features that have been previously requested
- added time-dependent map lists
- added ability to name map lists (02/02/2012)
- added another map list check when no players are on the server
- added option to avoid playing the same map when a new map is loaded
- added option to start with the map in the new list that follows the one that was just played
- added ability to randomize entire map list
- updated map list change method, which should prevent map list from not changing (01/27/2012)
- fixed problem adding new presets after some were renamed
- new custom presets are now named based upon the template used to create them
- fixed not starting at first map when not using 'start with random'
- added the ability to disable map lists (01/20/2012)
- custom preset map assignments weren't being restored on restart
- custom presets can now be renamed
- day-dependent map lists no longer clear the options on some systems (01/17/2012)
- decreased options redraw time even more (almost instant now)
- added custom presets
- added day-dependent map lists (01/09/2012)
- greatly decreased load time and options redraw time with long/many map lists
- fixed presets not always set properly or at correct time
- presets for next map now set at end of round
- fixed map list was not reloaded if number of rounds was changed
- fixed map list changed too soon if 'Switch to new map immediately' was enabled (01/05/2012)
- fixed first map not set when map list changed after manual round restart
- fixed map list would not update if changed when enabled via options panel
- fixed wrong number of players detected when listplayers not called with 'all' (11/19/2011)
- initial version​


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Старший прапорщик
12 Сен 2019
При включенном плагине не могу добавить премиум карты. Как запустить автоматическую смену карт в зависимости от количества игроков?


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5 Сен 2014
Еще раз. При включенном плагине не добаляются премиум карты, что делать?
Прочитать инструкцию и делать именно как там сказано, а не добавлять карты в ручную, в плагине.
СОЗДАЙТЕ СПИСОК карт в проконе, там где выставляете карты игровому серверу, затем идите в плагин и создайте список карт в плагине, выбрав опцию "BASED ON CURRENT SERVER MAPLIST"
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