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Simple Weapon Limiter v1.0.0.0

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21 Фев 2018
Simple Weapon Limiter v1.0.0.0
This plugin is currently for BF4 ONLY !!!!

This plugin was originally created to enforce weapon limits in a knife and pistol only server. I quickly realized it could be used to limit any weapon on any type of server.

Unfortunately, because of the way Battlefield 4 reports vehicle kill information, vehicles can not be limited using this plugin.

This plugin limits players from using certain weapons, or categories of weapons, in game. Action is taken against players when they kill with a weapon or weapon category you have restricted with this plugin. An escalating punishment system is built into the plugin. The punishments grow more severe until the player is temporarily banned for a time duration you can adjust. The punishment system is as follows:

Punishment Pattern:

  • Warning 1 - The offender is killed and warned that they used a restricted weapon via a admin yell directed to them and in game chat. The victim is also notified that the killer was punished to prevent victim rage.

  • Warning 2 - The offender is warned again like they were warned in warning 1 and the victim is also notified.

  • Kick - The offender is kicked and notified in the kick message why they were kicked. Everyone in game is notified that the offender is kicked.

  • Temporary Ban - If the offender returns to the game and uses a restricted weapon again during the same game, they are temporarily banned from the server for a duration of your choosing. The ban duration can be set with the Temp Ban Duration setting in the plugin. The time you specify for the ban is in minutes.

By default, this plugin restricts all weapons except those that you specifically allow. This makes it very easy to set up restrictions for a knife and pistol only server. The default configuration of the plugin is setup to allow only Melee weapons (knives), pistols, and the phantom bow (weapon code dlSHTR).

You can change this behavior if you wish with the Restriction Mode setting.


  • Enable White List? - This setting controls the player white list for the plugin. If set this setting is true then the player white list is activated. Any players in the player white list will be protected from punishments for using restricted weapons. If this setting is set to false then the white list is deactivated.

  • White List Admins? - This setting controls whether admins are immune to the weapon restrictions of the plugin. Setting this to true means admins are protected from punishments if they use a restricted weapon. Setting this to false means admins are restricted like all other players.

  • White List - This setting is a list of players you want to protect from being punished if they used a restricted weapon. Place one player name per line in the setting as shown below:

  • Restriction Mode - This setting controls the how the plugin restricts weapons. There are two options. The first mode called WhiteList is the default behavior of the plugin. This mode restricts all weapons except those you explicitly allow. The second mode is called BlackList and it exhibits the opposite behavior. It allows all weapons except those that you explicitly restrict.

  • Allowed Weapon Categories - This setting is only available in the WhiteList restriction mode. Enter the weapon categories you wish to allow in this setting. You must enter one category per line as shown:

The allowable weapon categories are available in the BF4.def file in the \Configs folder of your Procon installation. I've also listed them below in the Weapon Categories section of this post.
  • Disallowed Weapon Categories - This setting is only available in the BlackList restriction mode. Enter the weapon categories you wish to restrict in this setting. You must enter one category per line as shown:

The allowable weapon categories are available in the BF4.def file in the \Configs folder of your Procon installation. I've also listed them below in the Weapon Categories section of this post.
  • Allowed Weapons - In the WhiteList restriction mode, this setting allows you to specify individual weapons that you whish to allow from weapon categories that are not allowed in the Allowed Weapon Categories setting or that don't have a weapon category. For example, if you want to allow the Phantom Bow you must place the weapon code dlSHTR in this setting because the Phantom Bow does not have a weapon category.
In the BlackList restriction mode, this setting allows you to specify individual weapons that you wish to allow from weapon categories that you restricted in the Disallowed Weapon Categories setting. For example, if you wanted to limit sniper rifles to a few choices you could restrict the SniperRifle category and then allow the specific weapon codes for the rifles you want to allow by placing them in this setting.
This setting requires you to enter 1 weapon per line as shown:

The allowable weapon codes are available in the BF4.def file in the \Configs folder of your Procon installation

  • Disallowed Weapons - In the WhiteList restriction mode, this setting allows you to specify individual weapons that you wish to restrict from weapon categories that are allowed in the Allowed Weapon Categories setting or that don't have a weapon category. A very common example of the usefulness of this setting would be to allow all handguns using the Handgun category in Allowed Weapon Categories while limiting the use of the G18 and M93 automatic pistols by by placing their weapon codes in this setting.

In the BlackList restriction mode, this setting allows you to specify individual weapons that you wish to restrict from weapon categories that you have NOT restricted in the Disallowed Weapon Categories setting. For example, if you wish to restrict 1 sniper rifle out of all the sniper rifles you would enter the weapon code for that rifle in this setting.

This setting requires you to enter 1 weapon per line as shown:

The allowable weapon categories are available in the BF4.def file in the \Configs folder of your Procon installation

  • Temp Ban Duration (minutes) - This setting controls the temporary ban duration for players that repeatedly violate the restricted weapons rules during a game. The time shown is in minutes.


  • WeaponLimiter v1.0.0.0.zip
    14 KB · Просмотры: 313
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