• Этот раздел переехал на новый ДОМЕН, чтобы комментировать перейдите по ссылке, для входа можете использовать текущий логин и пароль.

Server Rules on Request

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21 Фев 2018
Server Rules on Request ( - 2015-03-031)

Server Rules on Request provides an in-game command which allowes the players to request the server rules. You define the text to be displayed in the plugin settings. The in-game command is also registered with the BasicInGameInfo plugin and can be requested by using the help command of that plugin.

The option for a welcome message is 1:1 conversion.
It is left in for compatibility reasons and will be droped in a later version. You may test if it fits your needs but I advice you to use for example the onSpawn message of my Admin Announcer & onSpawn Message plugin.

The method here is a bit unsecure because if a player does not spawn during the time period you set with the delay he does not see the message.

This plugin checks for admin status.
A user is an admin if his playername can be matched against a procon account name and this account has any privilege. The smallest possible privilege is to be able to login to the layer.

If a player is detected as admin (see above) using the rules command with the global command scope the output is send to all users.

Installation Instructions

Please refer to the download section down below.


The settings should be self explaining.
Data done in the abandoned plugin should be noticed and used by this plugin automatically.

With the plugin is able to respond to a request of a dedicated rule. To support your users it is a good idea to
prefix your rules with numbers like

Please follow our rules:
[1] the admin has the last word
[2] no cheats / hacks
[3] no baserape
[4] no killing for vehicles
If you use a first line like in the example above set the "Ignore first line" to Yes. If a user requests rule number 3 he will get the one prefixed with [3] otherwise it would be rule number [2].

Technical Support

If you experience any issues with this plugin, please report here.

Changelog (2015-03-031)
  • added Battlefield Hardline compatibility (2014-01-03)
  • fixed yell display time for BF4 (2012-06-18)
  • added option to trigger rules by using Procon chat tab
  • added keyword for chat tab trigger. Default: !show_rules
  • fixed no delay between rules using say. Yell needs to wait until display time is over. (2012-05-22)
  • fixed check for admin, now an account needs the privilege to access the remote layer if nothing else is defined
  • added option to catch and use privilege value of an existing procon account
  • added plugin action output to event tab for loging who has requested the rules for whom
  • added ability to request only one rule (2012-05-06)
  • Plugin released.
  • nearly 1:1 conversion of RulesOnRequest by Lorax74 because the original plugin seems to be abandoned in support
  • rules command is now included in the list of commands viewable by using help provided by the BasicInGameInfo plugin
  • changed plugin structure to use the up to date plugin api
  • made yell option BF3 compatible


  • CServerRulesOnRequest_2.2.2.0.zip
    13,4 KB · Просмотры: 377
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