Имя пользователя: MarDiePie
На каком сервере Вы забанены? | Which server you banned?
Locker Hardcore
Ваш ник в игре | Your nickname
Ссылка на Ваш профиль | Link to your profile (Battlelog или Steam) http://battlelog.battlefield.com
Причина бана | Ban reason
Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: nogo3peHue B 4umepcmBe / Suspected cheating [perm][-XL-Sasha_vrn]
Когда Вы были забанены? | When you were banned?
17 Янв 2020
От себя | Add a pair of words
Hello, i noticed that i was banned today... I guess its my gaming style that got in the way. I shoot randomly through smoke because its small map in hardcore mode and someone is always pushing through and gets hit. You can check my stats that i've shot so many bullets and not that many kills. I have been loyal player since 26.11.2016 and played 1172 rounds in XL Locker server. My last game K/D was 6.81 (109 kills and 16 deaths) I know its very suspicious but it was because i was a sniper and i was camping... its nothing special compared to some other players. I hope this gets sorted out soon and i get to play again.
Ваши доказательства честной игры | Your proof of fair play
I know last time i had to record a video to prove my innocence but this time i dont have any proof but i can try to record a video.
На каком сервере Вы забанены? | Which server you banned?
Locker Hardcore
Ваш ник в игре | Your nickname
Ссылка на Ваш профиль | Link to your profile (Battlelog или Steam) http://battlelog.battlefield.com
Причина бана | Ban reason
Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: nogo3peHue B 4umepcmBe / Suspected cheating [perm][-XL-Sasha_vrn]
Когда Вы были забанены? | When you were banned?
17 Янв 2020
От себя | Add a pair of words
Hello, i noticed that i was banned today... I guess its my gaming style that got in the way. I shoot randomly through smoke because its small map in hardcore mode and someone is always pushing through and gets hit. You can check my stats that i've shot so many bullets and not that many kills. I have been loyal player since 26.11.2016 and played 1172 rounds in XL Locker server. My last game K/D was 6.81 (109 kills and 16 deaths) I know its very suspicious but it was because i was a sniper and i was camping... its nothing special compared to some other players. I hope this gets sorted out soon and i get to play again.
Ваши доказательства честной игры | Your proof of fair play
I know last time i had to record a video to prove my innocence but this time i dont have any proof but i can try to record a video.