РАЗБАНЕН Locker Hardcore - заявка на разбан DajecPanzer


5 Июл 2018
Имя пользователя: DajecPanzer

На каком сервере Вы забанены? | Which server you banned?
Locker Hardcore

Ваш ник в игре | Your nickname

Ссылка на Ваш профиль | Link to your profile (Battlelog или Steam) http://battlelog.battlefield.com

Причина бана | Ban reason
Team killing ("You have been banned by admin")

Когда Вы были забанены? | When you were banned?
5 Jul 2018

От себя | Add a pair of words
I apologize for the incident. I respect the other players. I myself never complain when i get mistakenly shot by my team mates. It happens all the time. Its war. No use to cry about it. I never insult anybody and always try my best to be a valued member of my team. I respect the rules of the server and those of the administrator. This is one of the most fun servers. Keep up the good job!

Ваши доказательства честной игры | Your proof of fair play