Idle Kicker v1.4.3.12 - 29 july 2010
Hi i read a request for this plugin type, here it is
It's not complete, certainly not perfect, but i hope you'll help me to made it much better.
I need some testers about the player distribution, feedback, comments welcomed
* Description
This plugin checks the AFK players.
They may be distributed (option) or kicked.
It includes many options such as white lists, and so on.
Keep in mind that this plugin kicks AFK players :
Too long to be described here, see "Details 2.0" in plugin TAB.
Fixed a bug : wrong player distribution when activating the plugin
Fixed a bug : wrong player distribution on empty server (not far from)
Re-write plugin 2.0 details
Conditionnal parameters
See change log in "Details 2.0"

It's not complete, certainly not perfect, but i hope you'll help me to made it much better.
I need some testers about the player distribution, feedback, comments welcomed

* Description
This plugin checks the AFK players.
They may be distributed (option) or kicked.
It includes many options such as white lists, and so on.
Keep in mind that this plugin kicks AFK players :
- that has never spawned
- that are dead
Too long to be described here, see "Details 2.0" in plugin TAB.
Fixed a bug : wrong player distribution when activating the plugin
Fixed a bug : wrong player distribution on empty server (not far from)
- Added kick message
- Added an option to preserve white lists from distribution
Re-write plugin 2.0 details
Conditionnal parameters
- Added players distribution
- Added an option to display (or not) MOVES in plugin console
See change log in "Details 2.0"