РАЗБАНЕН BF4 METRO - заявка на разбан Kemo567


Младший сержант
7 Сен 2021
Имя пользователя: Kemo567

На каком сервере Вы забанены? | Which server you banned?

Ваш ник в игре | Your nickname

Ссылка на Ваш профиль | Link to your profile (Battlelog или Steam) http://battlelog.battlefield.com

Причина бана | Ban reason

Когда Вы были забанены? | When you were banned?
7 Сен 2021

От себя | Add a pair of words
Admin uploaded video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suqY1QaXh88&ab_channel=toshkamakaroshka
I watched that evidence video and on some parts it looks like im shooting thru covers because the 'soldier auto peek over' option is NOT showing on his POV. I was peeking all the time over covers when I was shooting and on the video it's not showing that correctly.
I messaged him on the comment section and still waiting for response.
I THINK he banned me because of that bugged POV.
I'm just pretty damn sad. I have been playing for 18 hours on the XL Metro server and now I'm permabanned just because of that stupid bugged POV. I'm highly against cheating! Thanks already for the responses and help. I hope we are gonna get this situation right. -Kemo567

I don't know how I can prove that I'm not cheating. If you have any ideas for that, please tell. I can do anything to prove that I'm fair player. Thanks!

Ваши доказательства честной игры | Your proof of fair play