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Admin Alert Plugin

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21 Фев 2018
Admin Alert Plugin
Allows you to create custom alerts for that can alert you with a sound, system tray alert or both. Set the Alert count number to the number of alerts you want. To test the alerts, change the Test alert from "No" to "Yes".


- Extract AdminAlerts.cs into your plugins directory.
- Extract the Media folder into your Procon directory

Plugin Description:
AdminAlerts allows you to create amd customize as many alerts as you need.

[Number of Alerts] The number of alerts you would like to configure.

Increasing this number adds alerts to the bottom of the list, decreasing it removes alerts from the bottom of the list. Removed alerts do not retain their configs.

+Alert #
[1.1 Name] A friendly name for you to quickly and easily tell which alert has fired.
[1.2 Enabled] Allows you to turn on and off individual alerts without having to remove the alert or disable the plugin.
[1.3 Keywords] An array of words, one per line, to watch and alert for.
[1.4 Enable Audio alerts] Enables a sound to be played when this alert fires.
[1.4a Audio File] The name of the audio file in WAV format. Place audio files in the Media directory. Default is chimes.wav.
[1.4b Repeat Count] The number of times the audio file will repeat before stopping. Default is 1.
[1.5 Enable system tray alerts] Enables system tray notification for this alert.
[1.6 Test alert] Setting this to Yes will play the audio file if enabled and show the system tray test meassage if enabled.

-- This plugin will examine each line of chat against each alert configured.
-- Only plays .wav files in PCM format.
-- Only one sound will play at a time. If a new alert comes in as an alert is playing, the new alert will play and the old will stop
  • Updated for BF4
  • Fixed bug with systray alerts not reading config file[/*:m:3bv1hhgr]
  • Added the ability to have alerts displayed in the chat console. This does not go out to players, only displays in the local chat console.[/*:m:3bv1hhgr]
2.0 Initial public release​


  • AdminAlerts.2.3.zip
    5 KB · Просмотры: 329
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