vpn ban

  1. Som3thingRandom

    Application for unban

    Server: BF4 Metro Your nickname: Som3thingRandom link to your profile: Som3thingRandom - Battlelog / Battlefield 4 Cause of the Ban: Stated Reason: VPN usage. Banned on: 23 October 2024. From me: I don't use a VPN. I know that your rules state the use of a VPN is not allowed. I have...
  2. Som3thingRandom

    Application for unban

    Server: BF4 Metro Your nickname: Som3thingRandom link to your profile: Som3thingRandom - Battlelog / Battlefield 4 Cause of the Ban: Stated Reason: VPN usage. Banned on: 23 October 2024. From me: I don't use a VPN. I know that your rules state the use of a VPN is not allowed. I have...